Chapter 1: Starting with Linux Shells
What Is Linux
Linux 系统主要由一下 4 部分组成
- The Linux kernel
- The GUN utilities
- A graphical desktop environment
- Application software
Looking into the Linux Kernel
Linux 系统的核心就是 kernel,它起到调度硬件软件资源的作用。
kernel 有四个主要的功能
- System memory management
- Software program management
- Hardware management
- Filesystem management
System Memory management
Chapter 2: Getting to the Shell
Chapter 3: Basic bash Shell Commands
Interacting with the bash Manual
man page 的结构如下
Section | Description |
Name | Displays command name and a short description |
Syopsis | Shows command syntax |
Configuration | Provides configuration information |
Description | Describes command generally |
Options | Describes command option(s) |
Exit Status | Defines command exit status indicator(s) |
Return Value | describes command return value(s) |
Errors | Provides command return value(s) |
Environment | Describes envrionment variable(s) used |
Files | Defines files used by command |
Versions | Describes command version information |
Conforming To | Provides standards followed |
Notes | Describes additional helpful command material |
Bugs | Provides the location to report found buds |
Example | Shows command use examples |
Authors | Provides information on command developers |
Copyright | Defines command code copyright status |
See Also | Refers similar available commands |
Navigating the Filesystem
Directory | Usage |
/ | root of the virtual directory, where normally, no files are placed |
/bin | binary directory, where GNU user-level utilities are stored |
/boot | boot directory, where boot files are stored |
/dev | device directory, where Linux creates device nodes |
/etc | system configuration files directory |
/home | home directory, where Linux creates user directories |
/lib | library directory, where system and application library files are stored |
/media | media directory, a common place for mount points used for removable media |
/mnt | mount directory, another common place for mount points used for removable media |
/opt | optional directory, often used to store third-part software packages and data files |
/proc | process directory, where current hardware and process information is stored |
/root | root home directory |
/sbin | system binary directory, where many GNU admin-level utilities are stored |
/run | run directory, where runtime data is held during system operation |
/srv | service directory, where local services stre their files |
/sys | system directory, where system hardware information files are stored |
/tmp | temporary directory, where temporary work files can be crated and destroyed |
/usr | user binary directory, where the bulk of GUN user-level utilities and data files are stored |
/var | variable directory, for files that change frequently, such as log files |
Listing Files and Directories
Displaying a basic list
展示文件命令 ls
1 | # 如果终端没有配置颜色,使用 -F 区分文件和文件夹,可执行文件后会加 * |
Displaying a long listing
1 | # Displaying a long list |
long list 显示格式说明
- The file type, directory(d), regular file(-), linked file(l), character device(c) or block device(b)
- The file permissions
- The number of file hard links
- The file owner username
- The file primary group name
- The file byte size
- The last time file was modified
- The filename or directory name
long list 是一个比较强力的模式,你可以收集到很多信息
Filtering listing output
1 | ls -l bad* |
- ? 单个字符
- * 多个字符
- [] 多选,可以是 [ai], [a-i],[!a]
使用星号的过滤方法也叫做 file globbing
Handling Files
Creating files
1 | # touch 创建空文件 |
Copying files
format: cp source destination
, copy 的文件是一个全新的文件
1 | # -i 当文件已经存在时,询问是否覆盖 |
Linking files
Linux 中你的文件可以有一个物理主体和多个虚拟链接,这种链接即为 links。系统中有两种链接
- A symbolic link
- A hard link
A symbolic link is simply a physical file that points to another file somewhere in the virtual directory structure. The two symnolically linked together files do not share the same contents.
1 | ln -s test_one sl_test_one |
hard link 是一个虚拟链接,你可以通过它对原文件做修改
1 | ln test_two hl_test_two |
Note 创建 hard link 要求你创建的地方是同一个物理空间,如果是分开的空间,只能创建 symblic link.
- symbolic link 和原文件有不同的 inode, hard link 和原文件相同
- hard link 启动备份的作用,当所有指向同一个 inode 的文件都删除了文件才删除
- symbolic link 保存原文件路径,当原文件删除了,link 的文件内容就消失了
Renaming files
Renaming files is called moving files. mv
won’t change the inode number.
1 | touch file1 |
Deleting files
1 | rm -i file2 |
Managing Directories
1 | mkdir New_Dir |
Viewing File Contents
使用 file
1 | file folder1 |
1 | cat tree.txt |
Using the more command
Using the less command
别被它的名字骗了,其实他是 more 的增强版 for phrase ‘less is more’
Viewing parts of a file
默认只显示文件的最后 10 行,-n
指定显示行数 tail -n 2 file
默认显示开头 10 行,- 5
指定行数 head -3 file
. 格式和 tail 不统一,真是干了
试了下,这两个命令都可以用 -n 3
和 -3
Chapter 4: More bash Shell Commands
Monitoring Programs
Peeking at the processes
Linux 系统中,用 process 表示运行着的系统。可以用 ps
(process status) 命令查看.
默认情况下,只显示四个内容,process ID,terminal that they are running from, and the CUP time the process has used.
1 | ps |
command 有三种类型的参数
- Unix style parameters
- BSD style parameters
- GNU long parameters
Unix-style parameters
简单摘录几个, 而且书上列的只是一部分,主要记住几个常用的就行了
Parameter | Description |
-A | Shows all processes |
-N | Shows the opposite of the specified parameters |
-a | Shows all processes except session headers and processes without a terminal |
-d | Shows all processes except session headers |
-e | Shows all processes |
-f | Displays a full format listing |
-l | Displays a long listing |
1 | ps -ef | head |
- UID: The user responsible for launching the process
- PID: The process ID of the process
- PPID: The PID of the parent process(if a process is start by another process)
- C: Processor utilization over the lifetime of the process
- STIME: The system time when the process started
- TTY: The termnal device from which the porcess was launched
- TIME: The cumulative CUP Time required to run the process
- CMD: The name of the program that wat started
- F: System flags assigned to the process by the kernel
- S: The state of the process. O-running on proecssor; S-sleeping; R-runnable, waiting to run; Z-zombie, process terminated but parent not availale; T-process stopped;
- PRI: The priority of the process(higher numbers mean low priority)
- NI: The nice value, which is used for determining priorites
- ADDR: The memory address of the process
- SZ: Approximate amount of swap space required if the process was swapped out
- WCHAN: Address of the kernel function where the process is sleeping
Real-time process monitoring
只能显示一个时间点的 process 状态,如果要实时显示,需要用到 top
1 | top |
Stopping processes
Linux 系统中使用 signals 来和其他 process 交互。常用的 signals 列表
Signal | Name | Description |
1 | HUP | Hangs up |
2 | INT | Interrupts |
3 | QUIT | Stops running |
9 | KILL | Unconditionally terminates |
11 | SEGV | Produces segment violation |
15 | TERM | Terminates if possible |
17 | STOP | Stops unconditionally, but doesn’t terminate |
18 | TSTP | Stops or pauses, but continues to run in background |
19 | CONT | Resumes execution after STOP or TSTP |
The kill command 只有 process 的 owner 或者 root user 有权限杀死进程。 格式:kill 3904
The killall command 可以根据名字关闭多个进程 killall http*
Monitoring Disk Space
Mounting media
1 | # 显示当前挂在的设备 |
- The device filename of the media
- The mount point in the virtual directory where the media is mounted
- The filesystem type
- The access status of the mounted media
手动挂载,你需要是 root 或者用 sudo,格式为 mount -t type device directory
, sample mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/disk
type 指定了设备的文件类型,如果你想要和 Windows 下共享这个设备,你最好使用下面这些文件类型
- vfat: Windows long filesystem
- ntfs: Windows advanced filesystem used in Windows NT, XP and Vista
- iso9660: The standard CD-ROM filesystem
unmount [directory | device]
解绑,如果解绑时有 process 还在这个设备上运行,系统会阻止你
Using the df command
command allows you to easily see what’s happening on all the mounted disks
df - display free disk space
1 | df -h |
Using the du command
df 是查看磁盘细心, du 是查看磁盘下的文件信息
The du
command shows the disk usage or a specific directory(by default, the current directory)
du - display disk usage statistics
1 | # 说是文件也会显示,问什么我这里看不到。。。 |
- -c: 统计结果
- -h: 方便阅读的结果
- -s: Summarizes each argument
Working with Data Files
Sorting data
1 | cat file1 |
- -t 指定分割符
- -k 指定排序的列
- -r 倒序
1 | # 当前文件夹下的文件倒序排列 |
Searching for data
grep [options] patttern [file]
- -v 挑选不 match 的那些
- -n 行号
- -o 只显示配的内容
- -c 显示匹配的数量
- -e 多个匹配
grep -e t -e f file1
- 使用正则 grep [tf] file1
Compressing data
Linux 系统中的压缩工具
Utility | File Extension | Description |
bzip2 | .bz2 | Uses the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting text compression algorith and Fuffman coding |
compress | .Z | Original Unix file compression utility; starting to fade away into obscurity |
gzip | .gz | The GUN Project’s compression utility; uses Lempel-Ziv coding |
zip | .zip | The Unix version of the PKZIP program for Windows |
gzip 是 Linux 中使用度最高的压缩工具,它由三部分组成
- gzip for compressing files
- gzcat for displaying the contents of compressed text files
- gunzip for uncompressing files
1 | gzip file1 |
Archiving data
虽然 zip 挺好用,但是 Linux 上用的最多的还是 tar command. tar 本来是用来归档到 tape device 的,但是它也能用来归档到文件,后来还变得越来越受欢迎了
tar function [options] object1 object2
The tar Command Functions
Function | Long Name | Description |
-A | –concatenate | Appends an existing tar archive file to another existing tar archive file |
-c | –create | Create a new tar archive file |
-d | –diff | Checks the differences between a tar archive file and the filesystem |
–delete | Deletes from an existing tar archive file | |
-r | –append | Appends files to the end of an existing archive file |
-t | –list | Lists the contents of an existing tar archive file |
-u | –update | Appends files to an existing tar archive file that are newer than a file with the same name in the existing archive |
-x | –extract | Extract files from an existing archive file |
The tar Command Options
Option | Description |
-C dir | Changes to the specified directory |
-f file | Output results to file(or device) |
-j | Redirects output to the bzip2 command for compression |
-p | Preserves all file permissions |
-v | Lists files as they are processed |
-z | Redirects the output to the gzip command for compression |
1 | # -c create new tar file |
Tip 网上下的包很多都是 .tgz
格式的,是 gzipped tar files 的意思,可以用 tar -zxvf filename.tgz
Chapter 5: Understanding the Shell
这章将学习一些 shell process 相关的知识,子 shell 和 父 shell 的关系等
Exploring Shell Types
你默认启动的 shell 是配置在 /etc/passwd
1 | cat /etc/passwd |
Exploring Parent and Child Shell Relationships
1 | ps -f |
上面的例子中,bash 就是 zsh 的子 shell, 他会复制一部分父 shell 的环境变量,这里会导致一些小问题,第6章会介绍。子 shell 也叫 subshell. subshell 可以再建 subshell. ps --forest
可以显示树桩结构,不过貌似 mac 不支持
Looking at process lists
一行运行多个 cmd, 使用 semicolon 分割 pwd ; ls ; cd /etc ; pwd ; cd ; pwd ; ls
但是它并不是一个 process,将它用括号包裹之后,会启动 subshell 运行它 (pwd ; ls ; cd /etc ; pwd ; cd ; pwd ; ls)
和这个语法相似的还有 { command; }
这个不会启动 subshell. 可以通过打印 $BASH_SUBSHELL
1 | (pwd ; ls ; cd /etc ; pwd ; cd ; pwd ; ls ; echo $BASH_SUBSHELL) |
Creatively using subshells
Investigation background mode
- 等待 x 秒
1 | # & 符号设置后台运行 |
Putting process lists into the background
a process list is a command or series of commands executed within a subshell.
1 | (sleep 2 ; echo $BASH_SUBSHELL ; sleep 2) |
background 运行脚本 not have your terminal tied up with subshell’s I/O
sleep 和 echo 的 sample 只是示范,工作中,你可能会后台执行 tar (tar -cf Rich.tar /home/rich ; tar -cf My.tar /home/christine)&
Looking at co-processing
Co-processing does two thins at the same time. coproc 会起一个后台的 job 运行对应的命令
1 | coproc sleep 10 |
默认的 coproc 起的 job 名字为 COPRO, 你也可以指定名字, curly bracket({) 换括号后面要接空格,语法规定。一般用默认的名字就行,只有当你需要和他们通信时,才会特别的取一个名字
1 | coproc My_Job { sleep 10; } |
后面还跟了一个 ps --forest
的实验,没法做 ╮( ̄▽ ̄””)╭
Just remember taht spawning a subshell can be expensive and slow. Creating nested subshells is even more so!
Understanding Shell Built-In Commands
Built-in commands and non-built-in commands
Looking at external commands
external command 也被叫做 filesystem command, 是在 bash shell 之外的,通常放在 /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin 或者 /usr/sbin
就是一个 external 的 command
1 | which ps |
每当 external command 执行时,都会创建一个 child process, 这种行为叫做 forking.
Looking at built-in comands
Built-in commands 不需要 child process 就能执行。他们是 shell 工具集的一部分。
1 | type exit |
他们不需要 fork 或者运行文件,所以他们更快,效率更高。
有些 cmd 有两个版本,which 只会显示 external command
1 | type -a echo |
Using the history command
显示 cmd 的历史记录
1 | history |
Tip 设置环境变量 HISTSIZE 改变数量上限
使用 !!
执行上一条命令, bash 的历史记录会存在 .bash_history
文件中,当前 shell 的历史存在内存中,退出后存到文件中,通过 history -a
Using command aliases
1 | # 显示自带的别名 |
Using Linux Environment Variables
Environment variables are set in lots of places on the Linux system, and you should know where these places are.
这章将介绍环境变量存储的位置,怎么创建自己的环境变量,还介绍怎么使用 variable arrays.
Exploring Environment Variables
bash shell 使用 environment variable 存储 shell session 和 工作环境相关的信息。环境变量分两种
- Gloabl variables
- Local variables
Looing at global environment variables
Gloabl variables 是所有 shell 都可见的,Local variables 是当前 shell 才可见的。
1 | # 查看 gloabl variables |
Looing at local environment variables
Linux 默认为每个 shell 定义基本的 local variables, 当然你也可以自定。系统中并没有输出本地变量的命令,但是有 set 可以输出 global + local
1 | set |
env vs printenv vs set:
- set = global + local + user-defined variables, result is sorted
- env has additional functionality that printenv not have
Setting User-Defined Variables
Setting local user-defined variables
1 | echo $my_var |
user-defined local varibale 使用小写,global 的使用大写。Linux 中的变量是区分大小写的。
Setting global environment variables
创建 gloabl variable 的方法:先创建一个 local variable,然后 export 成一个 global environment
1 | my_var="I am Gloabl now" |
但是,在 child shell 中修改 global variable 并不会影响到 parent shell 中的值,这个好神奇, 即使用 export 在 subshell 中修改也不行
1 | my_var="Null" |
Removing Environment Variables
使用 unset
1 | echo $my_var |
Tip 当你向对变量做什么的时候,不需要加 $, 当你想要用变量做什么的时候,需要加 $. printenv 除外。
和之前的规则一样,当你在 subshell 中 unset 一个 global variable 时,这个 unset 只在 subshell 中生效,parent shell 中变量还是存在的
Uncovering Default Shell Environment Variables
Bash shell 除了自己定义一些环境变量外,还从 Unix Bourne shell 那边继承了一下变量过来。
The bash Shell Bourne Variables
Variable | Description |
CDPATH | A colon-separated list of directories used as a search path for the cd command |
HOME | The current user’s home directory |
IFS | A list of characters that separate fields used by the shell to split text strings |
The filename fo the current user’s mailbox(The bash shell checks this file for new mail.) | |
MAILPATH | A colon-separated list of multiple filenames for the current user’s mailbox(The bash shell checks each file in this list for new mail.) |
OPTARG | The value of the last option argument processed by the getopt command |
OPTIND | The index value of the last option argument processed by the getopt command |
PATH | A colon-separated list of directories where shell looks for commands |
PS1 | The primary shell command line interface prompt string |
PS2 | The sceondary shell command line interface prompt string |
除了这些,bash shell 还提供了一些自定义的变量, 太长了,不列了。
Setting the PATH Environment Variable
当你在终端输入一个 external command 时,系统就会根据 PATH 中的路径找命令. 路径用冒号分割。
1 | echo $PATH |
Tips 如果 subshell 中也要用到新加的路劲,你就要 export 它。有一个技巧是,可以在 PATH 中添加当前路径 PATH=$PATH:.
Locating System Environment Variables
前面我们介绍了如何使用这些变量,那么怎么将他们做持久化呢。当你启动一个 shell 的时候,系统会到 setup file or environment files 里面去加载这些变量。
你可以通过三种方式启动一个 bash shell:
- As a default login shell at login time
- As an interactive shell that is started by spawning a subshell
- As a non-inactive shell to run a script
Understanding the login shell process
当你登陆系统的时候,bash shell 开启了一个 login shell. login shell 会从一下五个文件中加载配置:
- /etc/profile
- $HOME/.bash_profile
- $HOME/.bashrc
- $HOME/.bash_login
- $HOME/.profile
1 | cat /etc/profile |
脚本中循环处理 profile.d 文件夹下的内容,这个文件夹是专门用来放一下 application-specific startup file taht is executed by the shell when you log in.
1 | ls -lF /etc/profile.d/ |
- $HOME/.bash_profile
- $HOME/.bash_login
- $HOME/.profile
不在其中,因为它会在其他 process 中被调用
Understanding the interactive shell process
当你在终端输入 bash 时,你会启动一个 interactive shell. 当你启动 interactive shell 的时候,它不会加载 /etc/profile 中的内容。它只会 check .bashrc 中的配置。
.bashrc 做两件事
- check for a common bashrc file in /etc directory
- provides a place for user to enter personal command alias + provide script functions
Understanding the non-interactive shell process
没遇到过使用场景,先 pass
Making environment variables persistent
将自定义的变量存在 $HOME/.bashrc 是一个极好的习惯
Learning about Variable Arrays
1 | # 定义数组 |
可以通过 unset 移除某个元素,但是移除之后,print 不会显示,但是它位置还是占着的
1 | unset mytest[2] |
有时候 arrays 的使用挺复杂的,一般我们不再脚本中使用它,而且兼容性也不是很好。
Understanding Linux File Permissions
Linux Security
Linux 系统的 security 核心是 account 这个概念。每个访问的用户都有一个唯一的账户,权限就是根据账户设置的。下面将介绍一些账户相关的文件和工具包。
The /etc/passwd file
/etc/passed 文件中存储这一些 UID 相关的信息,root 是管理员账户,有固定的 UID 0.
1 | cat /etc/passwd |
系统还会为一些非用户的 process 创建 account,这些叫做 system accounts.
All services that run in background mode need to be logged in to the Linux system under a system user account.
Linux 将 500 以下的 UID 预留给了 system accounts.
passwd 文件中的信息包括
- The login name
- The password for the user
- The numberical UID of the user account
- The numberical group ID(GID) of the user account
- A text description of the user account(called the comment field)
- The location of the HOME directory for the user
- The default shell for the user
password 字段为 x, 以前放置的还是加密后的 pwd 后来为了安全统一放到 /etc/shadow 下面去了
The /etc/shadow file
只有 root user 可以访问 shadow 文件
1 | # docker bash 中的内容 |
shadow 中的信息包括
- The login name corresponding to the login name in the /etc/passwd file
- The encrypted password
- The number of days since January 1, 1970, that the password was last changed
- The minimun number of days before the password can be changed
- The number of days before the password must be changed
- The number of days before the password expiration that the user is warned to change the password
- The number of days after a password expires before the account will be disabled
- The date(stored as the number of days since January 1, 1970) since the user account was disabled
- A filed reserved for feature use
Adding a new user
1 | # 查看 useradd 的默认配置 |
当你在 useradd 的时候没有指定任何参数的时候,就会按照这个 default 的配置添加新用户。default 包含以下信息
- The user is added to a common group with group ID 100
- The new user has a HOME account created in the directory /home/loginname
- The account can’t be disabled when the password expires
- The new account can’t be set to expire at a set date
- The new account users the bin sh as the default shell
- The system copies the contents of the /etc/skl directory to the user’s HOME directory
- The system creates a file in the mail directory for the user account to receive mail
倒数第二个 item 说的是,在创建用户的时候,admin 可以预先设置一个模版
默认情况下,useradd 并不会为用户创建 HOME 目录,需要添加 -m
1 | ls -l /etc/skel |
The useradd Command Line Parameters
Parameter | Description |
-c comment | Adds text to the new user’s comment field |
-d home_dir | Specifies a different name for the HOME directory other than the login name |
-e expire_date | Specifies a date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, when the account will expire |
-f inactive_days | Specifies the number of days after a password expires when the account will be disabled. A value of 0 disables the accunt as soon as the password expires; a value of -1 disables this feature |
-g initial_group | Specifies the group name or GID of the user’s login group |
-G group | Specifies one or more supplementary groups the user belongs to |
-k | Gopies the /etc/skel directory contents into the user’s HOME directory(must use -m as well) |
-m | Create the user’s HOME directory |
-M | Doesn’t create a user’s HOME directory(user if the default setting is to create one) |
-n | Create a new group using the same name as the user’s login name |
-r | Creates a system account |
-p passwd | Specifies a default password for the user account |
-s shell | Specifies the default login shell |
-u | Specifies a unique UID for the account |
如果你有很多默认配置需要修改,那么你可以通过 useradd -D
Removing a user
userdel I306454
默认情况下并不会删除对应用户的 HOME 目录。你需要添加 -r
Modifying a user
Linux 提供了一些不同的工具包来修改用户信息
User account Modification Utilities
Command | Description |
usermod | Edits user accout fields, as well as specifying primary and seconday group membership |
passwd | Changes the password for an existing user |
chpassed | Reads a file of login name and password pairs, and updates the passwords |
chage | Chagnes the password’s expiration date |
chfn | Changes the user account’s comment information |
chsh | Changes the user account’s default shell |
感觉 usermod
后面有这些 cmd 的用法简介,但是我暂时用不到,先不摘录了
Using Linux Groups
Group 可以以群的单位管理权限,每个 group 都有特定的 GID
The /etc/group file
1 | cat /etc/group |
- The gorup name
- The group password
- The GID
- The list of user accounts that belong to the group
你可以通过 usermod 命令添加用户进组
Creating new groups
1 | groupadd shared |
PS: 如果你改变用户组时,用户已经 login, 该用户需要重新 login 使之生效
PPS: 如果你用 -g 新组会代替旧组,如果 -G 则是多个组并存
Modifying groups
1 | groupmod -n sharing shared |
Decoding File Permissions
Using file permission symbols
1 | ls -l |
- for files
- d for directories
- l for links
- c for character devices
- b for block devices
- n for network devices
- r for read permission
- w for write permission
- x for execute permission
- denied
权限三个一组,分别代表 owner/group/everyone, owner 和 group 分别在 ls -l 后面有写出来
Default file permissions
umask 设置了所有文件和目录的默认权限
1 | touch ttt |
umask 结果的第一位表示 sticky bit, 后三位是权限的 octal mode 表示
Permissions | Binary | Octal | Description |
— | 000 | 0 | No permissions |
–x | 001 | 1 | Execute-only permission |
-w- | 010 | 2 | Write-only permission |
-wx | 011 | 3 | Write and execute permissions |
r– | 100 | 4 | Read-only permission |
r-x | 101 | 5 | Read and execute permissions |
rw- | 110 | 6 | Read and write permissions |
rwx | 111 | 7 | Read, write and execute permissions |
文件的 full 权限是 666,文件夹是 777. umask 可以理解为在这个 full 权限的基础上减去一个值。
之前我们 touch 的文件 rw-r--r--
是 644 = 666 - 022
1 | ls -ld newdir |
755 = 777 - 022
Changing Security Settings
chmod options mode file
1 | ls -l ttt |
u for the user
g for the group
o for others(everyone else)
a for all of the above
- add perm
- subtract perm
= set perm
X assigns execute permissions only if the object is a directory or if it already has execute permissions
s sets the UID or GID on execution
t saves program text
u sets the permissions to the owner’s permission
g sets the permissions to the group’s permission
o sets the permissions to the other’s permission
1 | chmod o+r ttt |
Changing ownership
改变文件 owner,比如离开组织的时候,做交接。使用 chown options owner[.group] file
1 | # 只改 owner |
PS: 只有 root 可以改变文件的 owner, 任何 user 可以将文件组改变,重要这个user 是改变前后组的成员
Sharing Files
Chapter 8: Managing Filesystems
这章的内容我大致浏览了一下,作为了解即可。他介绍了很多系统类型,ext3 什么的以前见过,但是不明所以,刚好可以学习一下。
Exploring Linux Filesystems
filesystem: 用于存储文件,管理存储设备
Understanding the basic Linux filesystems
最原始的 Linux 文件系统间的的仿造了 Unix 文件系统,下面我们会介绍这个文件系统的发现过程
- ext(extended filesystem) + inode(track info about files in directory)
- ext 系统中文件最大只能 2G。 ext2 是 ext 的升级版,最大文件到 32G. 其他的特性就不举例了
- Journaling filesystems, 貌似叫日志系统,算是文件更新到 inode 前的临时文件
- ext3, 2001年加入 kernel
- ext4, 2008年加入 kernel
- Reiser filesystem, in 2001, Hans Reiser created the first journaling filesystem for Linux, call ReiserFS.
- Journaled File System(JFS) 可能是最老的 journaling filesystem, IBM 1990 年开发
Chapter 9: Installing Software
Chapter 10: Working with Editors
第 9,10 章也没啥好看的,说的是软件安装和编辑器,跳过