今天在看 sourcegraph 这个开源工具的时候,发现他有提供终端查询接口的,但是要配置参数到 .zprofile
中, 突然想问一句 .zshrc
和 .zprofile
is basically the same as.zlogin
except that it’s sourced before.zshrc
is sourced after.zshrc
According to the zsh documentation, “.zprofile is meant as an alternative to .zlogin for ksh fans; the two are not intended to be used together, although this could certainly be done if desired.”
PS: Ksh 是很早就出现的一种 shell
由上面的描述我们可以直到,zsh 的 config file 生效顺序为 zprofile -> zsh -> zlogin
1 | # shell 的 config file 是可以直接执行 cmd 的,在 .zprofile 和 .zshrc 中分别加上 "echo hello from .zprofile" |